CTE Teacher Resources

How do I get my credential in Career Technical Education?
Teachers interested in teaching courses within CTE must have the appropriate CTE credential within the sector they want to teach. This aligns with state teaching regulations as well as grant funding regulations that have become more stringent in the recent years. There are two options for a CTE credential: Preliminary and Clear. The Preliminary credential is good for three years and the Clear credential is good for five years. Please follow the link above to read more about CTE credentialing from the CTC.
I just want to get an additional credential in another sector.
I want to teach a new course within Modesto City Schools:
As with most things, there is a process for implementing a brand-new course within Modesto City Schools, and it is no different for those of us in Career Technical Education. During the 2020-21 school year, it was one of the focuses of the CTE office to put together a clear and concise process for the implementation of a new course. Please click here for the most recent communication that went out regarding this process. Below you will find the links to the Course Outline Template as well as the Brand-New Course Request Form that is to be filled out on InformedK12.
Course Outline Template
Brand New Course Request Form
I want to make a purchase using CTE grant monies:
CTE receives grant money from various grants, however, we are limited in how we are able to spend the money we receive. If you are wanting to use any of the grant monies that we receive to support your program, please keep the following in mind:
can’t be specifically for teacher use only
if the student is touching and using the item(s) for the course, this is something typically a grant can fund
no furniture (i.e. table and chairs), unless it’s industry-specific
cannot be district standard
Just like requesting to implement a new course, requesting to purchase items for your program has a process to follow as well. Please click here to view the most recent communication that went out regarding this process. Below you will find the link to the CTE Purchase Request Form that is to be filled out on InformedK12.
I want to update the textbook that is used for my class:
Due to the high cost of textbooks and the size of our district, textbooks are up for adoption on a seven-year rotation. In CTE, instead of adopting textbooks by the class, we go by the sector. Every seven years, a group of sectors will have the opportunity to review their textbooks and decide if they’d like to update any textbooks for their courses. The following is the breakdown of the adoption cycle set forth by the Educational Options and CIPD departments: