Make Marketing Mean Business
The Marketing, Sales, and Services sector is designed to align career-path course with current and projected employment opportunities. There is a basic business foundation in this sector: marketing and innovation are two major competitive issues for business today. Marketing includes the processes and techniques of identifying, promoting, and transferring products or services to consumers and is a function of almost every business. It exists within an environment of rapidly changing technology, interdependent nations and economies, and increasing demands for ethical and social responsibility. The two pathways in this sector ( Professional Sales, and Entrepreneurship/Self-Employment) emphasize training to meet the growing need for marketing professionals with skills in communication, small business, self-employment, advertising, marketing strategies, product and service management, and promotion and selling concepts. These pathways provide a firm foundation for advanced education, entry to a career, and success in the global marketplace. All industry sectors include entrepreneurship and marketing, and therefore students in the Marketing, Sales, and Services sector have a variety of career options.
Career Pathways help students explore their talents and use their experiences in the classroom to select career path that they’re passionate about.
Valuable Training for Exciting Careers
Kickstart an exciting career path in the world of social media business with the help of our academic instruction and industry insight. Potential career paths these programs help prepare you for include:
Human Resources Specialist
Education Administrator
Purchasing Agent
Office Manager
Chief Financial Officer
Marketing Management
Social Media Content Management
Business Management

Ready to Enroll? See your counselor to sign up.
If you are interested in a CTE course that is not available at your high school you can submit a transfer request. click here.
If you are interested in any of the following pathways and want to know what high schools offer them click here:

Earn College Credits
Get a jump start on your college future by earning college credits and valuable real-world skills you can use for college and career.
To learn more about the CTE Standards click below